Tuesday, July 7, 2020

My 2020 backyard garden. It's actually looking pretty good.

Since leaving home this year is a bit stressful,
I have been working on my own garden. 
The first thing to bloom is my Periwinkle.
I loved seeing the little butterfly visiting my garden.

I also had a small spider living in the garden this spring.

I planted merigolds and petunias around one of my
window wells. This is when they were first planted.
I will have to take some photos tomorrow so you can see how
much they have grown.

The plants in my back yard are doing much better
than the ones in the front yard.
I'm not sure but I think something is eating the merigolds
in the front yard.

This is the garden near our back porch. 
I have been moving some of my hens and chickens
to the front of this garden.  I also have some
dianthus, blanket flowers and osteospermum.

This section of the garden will hopefully be
all different types of wild flowers.  It is more grown in now than when
I took this photo.  I'm actually pretty amazed at how much 
has grown now that I have come back and looked at this photo.

Hopefully there will be a lot of 
blackeyed susan plants soon.

I put a bunch of wildflower seeds in this section
it will be interesting to see what flowers I get. 
I'm trying to feed the bees.

I'm trying to grow a clematis plant.  I hope
it lives.

These are the petunias and merigold plants in 
the garden at the front of the house.

Our neighbors like to let their cats roam around
outside, so I plant forks in rows to keep them
from using my garden as their bathroom.
It gets really annoying when you plant stuff and come
back out and your garden is all dug up.

The flowers in the front garden.

California poppy.

Shasta daisy.

Day Lily.

This is a European firebug.  Interesting looking bug.


California poppy.


Blanket flower.

I grow milkweed hoping that it will help the butterflies.
I haven't seen any monarch butterflies though.  
The bees like them.  The smell so pretty.

These grow all through my lawn.  I want to have
my lawn certified as pollinator friendly.
Well that's what my garden has looked like this spring.
It's nice to go out and garden.  I have more ideas that I am working on.
I'll take some photos tomorrow. 
It's a nice way to de-stress from this whole pandemic.

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