Friday, April 25, 2014

Since January.....How the time seems to fly.....

I have been very bad at blogging of late, you would think that once the holidays were over, I'd have settled down in my new position and then find time to write, but that has not happened.  My days at work are long and physical.  I spend at least 8 hours on my feet, walking from one end of the store to the other.... The hours change daily one day I'm up and at work before 6 am, and then the next day I work a closing shift of 2 to 10...during my spare moments I focus on my family, my house and my family history research.  I've been lost in the branches of my family tree for hours, and found some wonderful ancestors while there. I hope that soon I'll be out gardening.  Just a small garden this year though.  I don't have time for much more.
This past month my parents came out to visit.  It was wonderful to just hang out and relax and show them some of Utah.  Hard to believe we have been here almost 4 years now.
The top photo is of my daughter and mother on the "Tumble weed bench"  The wind blows the tumble weed and they get stuck around this one bench on our bike path.  The other photo is of my mom out on our back porch we had great weather while they visited.
Three generations together..... We had a wonderful time in the gardens in Salt Lake city. I've become the shortest in the family :(

Here is Mom with my children.  They had so much fun together, baking cookies, and pies.
Here are my parents up in the mountains.  We can't wait to plan our next visit.  Seems like we see more of Utah when they are here, perhaps it's because we take the time to jump out of the crazy rat race of life and just plan a quiet easy day.  They loved all the mountains and the views.
Off for one last walk together.  I don't know why God has taken us so far from the east and our family, I love it here and wouldn't move back, but I sure do miss my parents.  I at least in some ways know how my ancestors who traveled far away from Scotland,Ireland, and England felt, leaving family behind for life's adventures.  I wonder did they love their new home as much as me, or at some point did they wish they could go back.  At least in this day and age I have the telephone and computer to be able to communicate on a daily basis.  I wonder how often they heard from family if ever. 
Well I hope to blog more in the coming weeks we will see... sometimes my lovely bed calls to me so early and I just can't resist snuggling up under the covers and leaving the world behind for a few hours.

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