Thursday, May 30, 2013

I've become a two job worker.....

Sorry to keep changing the focus of my blog.  Not sure that anyone really reads my posts anyways.  I have found in researching family history that there are so many sites on the Internet one more is just a waste of time.  If you ever have questions ask and I will help you.  My life has been very busy lately.  I have joined the ranks of people working two part time jobs to equal full time hours. 
My morning job is at a garden center around the corner from my house.  I work 3 hours a day 5 days a week.  It is fun for me as I am learning about plants and flowers and bringing extra money to the house.  It is a new business so I get to see what it is like to start a new business without the stress.  I do the cashier/ customer service aspect, but also care for the plants in the main building.  I also work on the hanging baskets too.   I then work my night job.  Which is very much customer service oriented.  I average 45 hours a week now.  I didn't want to take a loan out on my house to pay down the debt of moving and paying rent and mortgage for 8 months. 
The first few weeks were hard, my legs would hurt so bad at night because I stand at both jobs that I would want to cry.  I took advil one night last week and the pain is now gone.  I hope in the future to share what I have learned about plants.  I also love to walk around the green house and take photo's of the flowers which I will share.  I want to put a photo book together on flowers, their care needs and their magical properties, and meanings.
On the family history front, I was at the temple and was inspired to research a line on my husbands side of the family.  After days of frustration. Asking why do I need to be searching this line there are no people who need Temple work, I found a husband with no information. had no information other than someone who put the man's title as "Count".  Family Search also had no information.  So I did what I love to do, a Google search for "Count Edward Edwin Bernard."
Well I found why I needed to do this line.  I now have found over 13 pages of online family history that has not been entered into Family Search or  I have learned also how to read a whole new type of family tree system.  It is called the D'Aboville System.  After about 20 minutes of reading this I get a head ache.  It is a very interesting numbering system, generations can be fit on a page.  So one family has 13 pages.  Imagine all the names that I'm trying to figure out with that.  Also a very interesting part is that one line connects with a family of professional Mistresses.  These women and their daughters were the mistresses of the nobility.  I have yet to find a family history consultant for the church who knows how I should deal with them, their children and lovers. It is like finding a wild romance novel, yet the people are real. The women were also opera singers, which also goes with the romance novel thought.  I need to talk to  my next door neighbor who is serving a family history mission.  Perhaps she will know or at least give me a name and number of someone who I can contact about what to do with their temple work.
My daughter and I will be working on a lot of personal progress this summer.  She is going to be putting together a quote book on honesty and integrity.  I decided I would do a quote book on the Temple. 
Thought I'd share the quotes and my Temple photo's with you.
I like this photo, because if you look closely the angel looks like he is on the tip of a tulip leaf.
" I know your lives are busy.  I know that you have much to do.  But I make a promise to you that if you will go to the House of the Lord, You will be blessed; life will be better for you."  President Gordon B. Hinkley.

I am going to test this promise out.  I hope to go weekly to the Temple and take my children twice a month during summer break.  I need all the blessings I can get.
Well I hope to tell you about Petunias in my next post.  I've been working a lot with Petunias.

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