Wednesday, April 18, 2012

How reading about flowers led to finding ancestors

For the past couple of weeks I've been reading lots of books, and one book was called "The Language of Flowers."  by Vanessa Diffenbaugh.  Well I loved the book so much that I had to buy it on my nook so that someday down the road I can read it again. At the same time I bought the companion book " A Victorian Flower dictionary, the language of flowers companion.  In this book they have picked several flowers that are illustrated and then talked about paintings that have the flowers in them, and have also added poems about the flowers. In this book I came across a poem written by Robert Herrick. (this illustration above is of Robert Herrick).  I have Herrick's in my family line.  Which made me decide to find out how we were related. What I found was very interesting.
Robert Herrick was born in August of 1591 in Cheapside London.  His father died soon after he was born. He eventually became a poet.  His father was the brother of my so many greats grandfather.  The greats are too many to list.  He never got married. 
His poem that I read about was about the Daffodil.  It's meaning according to the flower dictionary is "New Beginnings."
To Daffodils
Fair Daffodils, we weep to see
You haste away so soon;
As yet the early-rising sun
has not attain'd his noon.
Stay, Stay,
Until the hasting day
has run
but to the even-song;
And, having pray'd together, we
will go with you along.
Robert Herrick.

Here is a picture of my direct line ancestor Sir William Herrick.  He lived at Beau Manor Park in England. He was born in 1557 and died 2 march 1652. 

Here is a portrait of his mother Mary Bond Herrick.  I think she lived to be 93 years old.  That has to be seen as really old way back then.  It will be fun for me to find stories about these people.  I thought it was so cool that I could see what they looked like and where they lived.  This is part of the reason I love to research family history.  You never know what you will learn about those who came before you.  I look forward to reading some of Robert Herrick's poems.   Especially since some have to do with flowers. 
Hope you continue to search for your ancestors.  Please share what you find some time.

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