My son is an artist. Every year I get a nice drawing
From him. It’s nice that he will make something fun for me.
The above drawing is my getting personal rays of inspiration.
He is slowly making this cool alphabet book for me.
Do you have a place you can go to and relax away from the craziness of the world? This is my Kim bubble.
Me out birding.
This is me as a Pokemon trainer. My car is a Pokemon.
This is me at work, my favorite superhero “ frying pan woman.” She hits people in the head with a frying pan.
Wildlife photographer.
This is me with my new cat, being visited by our cat who has crossed over the rainbow bridge.
At work I make lots of balloons. So I am floating away and my cat is trying to keep me from flying away.
This is a drawing I saw that I liked. I like the wild hair and hat.
I colored this picture. I can imagine myself looking like this. When I was young.
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