Sunday, August 26, 2018

My Weekly Walk at the Gardens.....Week 13 June 25, 2018 ..Lilies of all Colors and sizes are blooming

It's getting hotter in Utah and if I don't get a morning
off for my walk, the afternoon walks are really hot.
I'm determined to walk every week. 
The Shasta Daisies are looking so nice this week.

Gazinia flowers are one of my favorite flowers. They open when
the sun is hot and close at night.
I think these might be Holly Hocks.  They are
actually pretty short plants.


I like how they have put white Petunias 
around this big tree. I love the 
gardening ideas you can get from walking here.
I may try something like this at my house next year.

I've probably already said this but I never realized
how long Snap Dragons bloom for.  I'm going
to try to plant them in my garden next year.

I'm not sure what this flowers is. I didn't get 
the greatest photo either.  It looks like 
a tree with a flower. I've bought a new
flower identification book so I hope it helps me 
learn about all these different flowers and plants.

My husband thinks the statue of the girl should be 
in the water. I think it looks good.

There are different Lilies all through the garden. 
These are so beautiful.

Lonely Duck. I didn't see the geese and their children
this week.  I wonder if they have left.

The different stages of a water lily.

The Roses are past their peak blooming.  There are still
some pretty roses though.

The Fragrance Garden.

Sweet peas.

Evening Prim Rose.

Now wandering around the Secret Garden.

I think this plant is interesting.

The Italian Garden.

Zinnia's are another plant that blooms a long time.
I like how a lot of the edges of the walk ways have 

I don't go into the Light of Christ section often.
I have only so much time to walk and I stick to 
where the flowers are, although there are flowers in this section too.
I did try to video the grass waving in front of this statue.  It's supposed
to give the effect of the Savior walking on water.

It's nice to sit here by the water falls and listen to the water.
There is something soothing about listening to water flowing.

These are pretty flowers, they are part 
of the Water Wise Garden. 

I've walked every week for 13 weeks and 
I still find new flowers, and changes in the gardens.
They are such a beautiful place to spend an afternoon or morning.
In the Summer Morning is the better time to walk.
Do you have a favorite flower ?

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