(The passage from civilization to the unpaved wilderness)
Hello, family! Transfers have arrived again. I've been changed to the area of Purificación and my new companion is Elder Jensen from Utah. He actually just came out of his in-field training, which makes me his second companion. He's a very good missionary from what I can see. He's got a big heart.
I'm the one in charge right now, though. It's going to be a bit of a hassle for me, I can tell. I'm going to see a lot of change in this six-week transfer, which means I'm also going to see a lot of stress! Yikes, I don't know if I'm ready for all of this. I'm going to have to get used to a lot of different things. I have to learn how to direct, lead, and teach without slack.
The good news is that the area has a super huge supermarket and a burger king so if necesary I can stress eat hahaha!
The mission president came to visit us in the last week, saying that if we're not having success, or if we're not getting along as companions, we have to work more! Yikes, that message is pretty clear. It's all good, though! My previous companion and I were satisfied with the work we did, so I just have to work it out and everything will be good.
We recieved a lot of thanks from the members for our work in Barrio Lomas. Looks like they're all really motivated to get out there and do the good work. We left a few families prepared for more missionary work as well.
My companion also informed me that I have drank Mexican Tap water more than once and I haven't died yet so thank goodness, I'm going to make sure that I keep alive.
Well. not much else than that. The bags are moved and situated, everything is in it's place, it's a new start all over again.
Thank you for sending your e-mails.
Love you loads. Miss you.
-Elder Bowlby
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