Waiting for the first e-mail from my son while he began training at the Mexico City MTC was hard. The whole first week of him being away was hard. I began picking up items around the house that were his and putting them in his room and then just shutting the door. The nice thing about working full time is that work keeps you from going crazy when you are waiting.
The above photo is of part of Mexico city. But do you want to hear my story? Probably not. You want to read that first e-mail. So here you go...Welcome to my son's adventure...
¡Felicidades! Guess who?
If you guessed Elder Bowlby, you´re right! HOOOOOOOOW´S IT GOING?
This is the middle of my second semana (week) at CCM (Centro de Capacitación misionero). So far, things have been quite good! Yo soy aprendieron mucho de la idioma español! (I´m learning a lot of the spanish language!)
Up here at Mexico City. we´re over 7000 feet above sea level. Sadly, no humidity yet. Did you know that La Ciudad de México is one of the biggest cities in the world? It´s because they don´t stop building! The houses are all like, connected! Check it out, I snapped a few "fotógrafos" of some houses on the mountain side! (I love the colors and diverse structures!)
My companion´s name is Elder Curran! He was actually one of the first Missionaries I met at the airport. Funny thing is, we were companions there, and now we´re companions here! He´s a huge brainiac (and in a good way). He knows tons of stuff about all kinds of stuff. He says he can construct, program, and adjust machines in his mind! Woah! He´s apparently done a lot of work with computer science, and he´s just all around cool. Here´s a picture of him in front of our "casa" (house).
This place was actually once a Highschool before it was a Missionary Training center. Escalofriante! (Spooky).

Uh oh! Looks like somebody decided to travel with me. Can´t seem to shake my irrational fears, it seems. This is what I drew on my first day, at the airport. Note the big AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA at the top.
And what might these be? I drew these just yesterday. I´ll let you guess~

And what might these be? I drew these just yesterday. I´ll let you guess~
Uh oh. Looks like I´m running out of space for pictures. No google drive = no more than 25GB file attachment space. Bummer.
I´d like to show you so much, but it looks like I´m going to have to be more conservative with the Photo´s I take and send. I´d send you a picture of some food (Which I admittedly almost got yelled at for taking because I was clogging up the line (oops)), but just know that if it´s hot food, Elder Bowlby is going to enjoy it! Strangest foods I´ve eaten so far: Cream of Potato soup (It´s like liquid potato! Surprisingly good?!), a few bizarre Mexican puddings and yogurts which I can't decide whether I like them or not... they even have fish for lunch sometimes! Fish! Wow!
If there´s anything else that I need to say, it´s that Friday is my Prep-Day, so I'll only be able to read your messages then. I've been learning a lot about El Evangelio Restaurado, and myself.
(Ack! No more photo space! Read the next e-mail!!)
I´d like to show you so much, but it looks like I´m going to have to be more conservative with the Photo´s I take and send. I´d send you a picture of some food (Which I admittedly almost got yelled at for taking because I was clogging up the line (oops)), but just know that if it´s hot food, Elder Bowlby is going to enjoy it! Strangest foods I´ve eaten so far: Cream of Potato soup (It´s like liquid potato! Surprisingly good?!), a few bizarre Mexican puddings and yogurts which I can't decide whether I like them or not... they even have fish for lunch sometimes! Fish! Wow!
If there´s anything else that I need to say, it´s that Friday is my Prep-Day, so I'll only be able to read your messages then. I've been learning a lot about El Evangelio Restaurado, and myself.
(Ack! No more photo space! Read the next e-mail!!)
This is just a photo dump at this point. See ya next time!

"Your doubts only have the power you give them". Go away, Krozj!
More cool architecture! STEEP STREET!

I´ll try to get a photo of this at night. It would make a beautiful desktop background, I say.

Can you figure out what these are? We can see them from our casa. My companion and I call them "Giant Lego Hands". What do you think?

Oh hey! Here's that picture of food I almost got yelled at for taking. It's pork. Tasty...
Last picture, an unflattering shot of one of the mysterious green birds that fly around campus. They´re really cool.

Love you! I´ll see you next week.
~Elder Bowlby.
"Your doubts only have the power you give them". Go away, Krozj!
More cool architecture! STEEP STREET!
I´ll try to get a photo of this at night. It would make a beautiful desktop background, I say.
Can you figure out what these are? We can see them from our casa. My companion and I call them "Giant Lego Hands". What do you think?
Oh hey! Here's that picture of food I almost got yelled at for taking. It's pork. Tasty...
Last picture, an unflattering shot of one of the mysterious green birds that fly around campus. They´re really cool.
Love you! I´ll see you next week.
~Elder Bowlby.
The only thing with the weekly email is you never get enough, you want to know more, and yet once the last email is sent you have to wait a whole week to get answers to questions and to just know your missionary is safe. A week or so after my son left I had a dream that he had to come home, I can't remember why, but in the dream I was sad that he was home, I felt he needed to be in Mexico, and so that left me with comfort, that he is where he is supposed to be. I keep thinking as soon as we get used to him not being here the two years will be over and he will be back.
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