You only get to talk to your Missionary twice a year...Mothers day and Christmas. So our first phone call from our Missionary came soon after he left which was nice. It was nice to hear his voice and to ask him questions. We got to speak with him for 30 minutes. Perhaps at Christmas we will be able to skype. So we can see him too. I have to say when I miss my son's voice I have a voice mail message from him on my phone, and I play it. I know sounds silly, but it's like he is talking to me for a moment. I don't listen to it that often. But every now and then I do..
The photo came from his e-mail.... So here you go the next e-mail from Mexico...
¡Buen Dia, Amigos y Familia!
Soy yo, Elder Bowlby! It´s already been a month since I left home, time is going by quickly! It´s so bizarre that I haven´t made it to the field yet, either!!
My district is going to the temple today, as a result, there aren´t going to be many new photos (I´m sorry! I know you love them, but there´s not going to be time to send any!) On the flip side, our next Prep-Day is going to be Miercoles (Wednesday). Apparently there has been a strange schedule swap on my last week here at CCM. Looks like you won´t have to wait an entire week to hear from me.

Here´s a photo that was taken of my District a couple weeks back. I´m on the far right. The Elder with the teal tie right next to me is Elder Curran, to the left of him is Elder Muncey, then Elder Gunness, Elder Spunaugle is in the front with his tie in the air with Elder Grilliot behind him, and then to the far left is Elder Fielding.
And it wouldn´t be a complete week without at least one drawing from yours truly. Hardly a day passes where something doesn´t give me some sort of inspiration. Check out this big fella!
Speaking of striking inspiration, I've been working on focusing on my studies more and my daydreams less. I bought a journal from the tienda which I call my TiWiFi book, meaning "Think it, Write it, Forgeddabout it!" I bought it wednesday afternoon and already there´s three pages of notes that I´ve written down in haste to pay better attention to my teachers. So far, it's been fairly effective.
I´ll try to answer some (if not all) of your questions as well, so here we go!
"What is the weirdest tasting thing you have eaten so far?"
Strangely, the sweets have been the oddest tasting items on the menu. The main entree's for the meals are always great (I'm not picky, I just like hot food). The sweets however, have always been strange. From a milky-strawberry gelatin, a lemon-lime flavored frozen mousse bar, and there´s this strange ice-cream called "Dulce De Leche" and it's flavor, while very good, nobody in my district can quite nail down what it is.
"What's the weirdest Spanish word you've learned?"
I once asked my teacher for the longest Spanish word he knew, and he gave me the name of a mountain here in Mexico. Parangaricutirimicuaro (Or something of the like). Stranger yet, I know how to pronounce it!
"Are you learning how to deal with the more reticent investigators?"
I have no idea what reticent means, but if it means anything along the line of "Stubborn" or "Difficult" then yes, I am learning a lot! One of our teachers is playing the role of a man named Jair, and in our lessions with him, we've had to push really hard to get him to follow commitments and to read el Libro de Mormón. We´ve been making good progress, though. At the end of every lession, he´s always sure to give us advice and feedback.
"When do you leave for the field?"
In short, the 29th of May is when I finally ship out of the MTC and go to The Mission Field.
Thank you all so much for your love and support. I'll be honest, my e-mails have been quite sugar-coated the past few weeks, and this is quite a difficult journey that I have embarked on... But I want you to know that I am doing better every day. I am learning to rely on the Lord more and more, and I am learning how to deal with stress more and more. Every day is a new experience, and I´m sure that it will be no different in the field. In the wise words of the Prophet Moroni:
Ether 12:6; And now I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye recieve no witness until after the trial of your faith.
Trials are abundant in this work, but having faith I will overcome, I will recieve that witness of the Father´s love for me.
Love you all! God Bless, and see you Wednesday!
Elder Bowlby