Wednesday, April 13, 2016

These Shoes Are Done Walking... Garden Girl Closes A Door and Begins A New Adventure....

Five years ago I lost my job in New Jersey...This is my official school photo as a Library Assistant.  I loved that job.  I remember the day I was told I was going to lose my job at the end of the school year, it was the same day that I had gone to the school thinking about asking the Librarian if I should take the Library Assistant classes offered at the local college.  I was excited to learn more about being a Library Assistant and dreamt of being in that job forever.  Instead when I got to the school I was asked to go to the Principals office.  What happened devastated me.  I was told due to budget cuts I would be out of a job at the end of the school year.  The Principal was a wonderful man, and what a hard job it was for him that year, I was the first of many that would lose their jobs.  I had never lost a job before and it hurt.  That is why I started this blog five years ago.  It was called in the beginning Losing My Job In New Jersey.  I am and always will be the type of employee who is loyal to the end.  And I blogged about my last days as a Library Assistant and how despite knowing I was losing my job I would work and be the best employee to the end.  That is the type of person I am.  There were things I learned over that six month period that made me a better person.  I learned that I could work for a job even though I knew I was leaving and still be positive.  I learned a lot about looking for new jobs.  One thing I learned was that in this day and age most people do not stay in a job till they retire.  That a job is stepping stone and you stay until you find something better.
These are my work shoes from my job that I just left.  I think maybe I've had them for five years.  Over the past few months I've been thinking I need to find new shoes...These shoes have walked around my old job for too long.  They are worn out.  At my old job I walked about 9 to 10 miles a day...

The soles of my shoes are so worn out that there are holes in them...As I looked at my shoes I realized that I had become as worn out as my shoes...I was no longer feeling passionate about my job, I was not seeing what the next step in my job would be...And that is when I remembered my job in New Jersey...That was when I remembered all that I had learned when losing my job.  That people don't have to stay in jobs, that when you no longer feel passion you can look to see what else is out there.  I started to go to an employment center to have my resume worked on.  If you want a new job, go to employment centers. If you live in Utah and are LDS you should go to their employment centers.  There are so many free services for you.  Even if you are not LDS you can go to them and get help and free services too.  I found that I could get free computer classes if I needed them. I found that there were job fairs, and events that helped people to network.  I had one on one help with my resume, and was given tips and tricks on how to apply for jobs online.  Many people stay at a job because they feel they can't find anything better.  But that is not the case, you can find things that are better.
I found that I could close the door on a job that was no longer right for me.  I found that not only were my shoes in need of being changed, but I was in need of a change.   I shut the door to a job that no longer fit me, and felt happiness.  With the help of the LDS Employment center I found that I could move on and make more money and find a job where I had room to grow more.  When someone gets a job, they go back to the employment center and they hit a giant bell...They ring in a new adventure.  I have to go do that soon, but need to wait for my special helpers to be there to celebrate with  me.
There is a new door opening in front of me...I am excited to walk through this door and see the possibilities that are in front of me.  I no longer fit in my old work shoes...I no longer need to walk miles everyday...I have changed and found the new me to be so much more strong and happy.  I will continue to share my adventures with you...I think it will be a much healthier adventure for me and my family.
Now this pair of shoes...My Garden Shoes...Well they have a lot more work to do...It's too bad there isn't an app that keeps track of how much you garden...Because I don't think my Fit Bit will get to 10 miles for a long time...But if there was some way to measure the amount of gardening you do I'm sure it would find me doing hours of it... But I'll save that story for another day.  If you have recently changed jobs or find yourself on a new adventure tell me about it.  I'd love to hear what you are doing.

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