It was so nice to have another Sunday off and to be able to attend Church. The focus of our Sacrament meeting was keeping strong in the faith through understanding the atonement. One of the hymns we sang was "Hold To The Rod". Part of the song says " The Iron Rod is the word of God"...as I thought of this I remembered my scripture reading in the New Testament this week...Where you learn that The Savior is The Word....Always when I thought of this song and holding to the rod I thought of holding onto the scriptures and reading them...But today it came to me that what I really should be doing is Holding onto the Savior...To look and seek for him and hold on to his words and become like him....It has become one of my new year goals to seek each day for the Savior and to think of him as much as I can during my day and week.
The lesson in our 3rd hour of church was also about the Savior.
The quotes that stuck out to me were.. "We must know Christ better than we know him.... We must remember him more often. Do we love the Lord enough to give up our sins? We talked of ways that we can think of the Lord more...
During Christmas I bought a new calender for our house that has paintings of the Savior..I also bought some small prints. Now when I work on my projects in my dining area when I look up I see the Savior.
Another important thing to do is show him graditude for his help in our lives. I realize that this is something that I have focused on for the past two years. I'm thankful that I am walking down this path and finding ways to seek the Lord more.
One thing I am thankful for is that every time I go through a trial I reach more to my Savior and turn more towards him instead of away from him. I become more determined to find him in my life. Many of the women shared their moments of help from the Savior during a struggle....It reminded me of our move out to Utah. It was a hard time in our lives...I remember having a dream of being on top of a cliff, I was blindfolded and had to trust that I would be led down the mountain. At the end of the dream I was turned around to face the mountain and the blindfold was taken off...I remember looking at the steep cliff and knowing that I was carried down the mountain and that it was the Savior who took care of me...That was the moment I knew that no matter what happened during our move I would be cared for. I love when I have spiritual dreams..
At the end of the lesson we sang "Be Still My Soul" I was grateful that I could sing it without crying as it was one of the songs I played over and over before we moved. Oh how I love that song and how it talks of the Savior taking care of our needs and knowing what we need. I look forward to a new week of seeking my Savior.
How do you remember the Savior in your daily life?
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