Saturday, June 29, 2013

My garden at the end of June..... Where has this month gone??

Here are some photo's of the flowers in my garden at the end of June.  I can't believe that the month has flown by.  I have learned some cool things about flowers and plants this month.  One thing I have learned is that the color of flowers also brings meaning to your garden.  Lighter shade of colors have a more positive meaning while darker shade of colors have a more negative meaning.  I'm not sure what this little blue flower is.  But it is really pretty.  A light blue in the garden is connected with spirituality, love and religiosity.

Here is one of the beautiful lilies in my garden.  It's color meaning is most likely connected to attraction or friendship.  I love these lilies!
One of my favorite flowers Rudbeckia (aka Black eye-susan).

Here is another Black Eyed-Susan.  The Black Eyed-Susan Vine.  I talked with a customer about this plant at the garden center so much she decided to buy two instead of one.   It's a very cool plant.
Here are my Blanket Flowers.  They are so pretty.  You have a mix of red and yellow with these .  I'm not sure of what the meaning could be.  The darker red could be a sign of desire and the lighter yellow is insight or intellectuality.
My petunias are getting huge.  At some point I will do a whole page on their growth.  From tiny little plants to covering the whole front corner of the garden.  Next year I'll have to get more creative with the colors.
Here is one of the Day Lilies.  Light orange is associated with wisdom and justice, but dark brings about pride and selfishness.  I've come to think part of the problem with negativity in my garden is I have dark shade's of color in it.  It is still beautiful. 
Here are my Hen's and Chickens and my Ice Plant.  I hope the Ice Plant flowers soon.  The Hen's and Chickens are very happy as they are starting to grow babies.  I'm so happy for that.
Here is a view of the garden from a distance.  I think it looks really nice.  I have started a new project.  I'm going through all my photo's and editing them and preparing them to make up cards and prints to put into frames.  I have hundreds of photo's.  I'm also adding the name of the flower to each photo.  I wonder how many different flower photo's I have?  It is going to take a long time to finish.
My garden and blog helper.  She is always near to where I am.  Definitely the queen of the house.  We are currently teaching her cat agility tricks.  So far we can get her to jump through a hula-hoop for treats.
My family is doing really well.  We are all trying to stay cool right now.  I have a few projects and ideas brewing.  I'm researching my next family history blog on cousin marriage.  I've found some cool articles.  I had a great inspiration come to me today on that.  I'm also thinking of writing a chapter a week on my blog of my book I've been trying to write.  Perhaps someone will read it and help me edit it and make it into something great.  I also want to begin to plan my trip to Scotland.  Perhaps if I love and desire it enough the universe will send me on it.  I'll explain all that later. 
Thank-you, Thank-you, Thank-you for reading this blog.  I hope you have enjoyed the flower photo's and it has made you want to learn more about gardens and plants.
Related sites:
Aura Color Charts
Meaning of Lilies
Flowers Meanings
Black-eyed Susan (This is a really cool link!)
Blanket Flower

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