Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Jacob Bartholomew how my son got his name...

In my church after your child is born they have a ceremony where the child is given a name and a blessing.  This is a photo of my son on his "Blessing" day.  His name is Jacob Bartholomew.  That's quiet the name isn't it.  The story behind it is actually interesting too.  My husband is a kid at heart.  Not many people are blessed to actually know his serious side.  I think many people actually miss the great person because they don't get to see all his sides.  Any ways the kid at heart when he heard we were having a little boy wanted to name him "Bartholomew"  after Bart Simpson.  Thankfully for my son I would not allow this.  I wanted to name my son "James" after his father.  But my husband did not want him to have his same name.  As I began looking at names for baby boys I made a very interesting find.  James is the English name for the Hebrew name Jacob.  And so that is why I named my son Jacob.  Because it is as close to being James as I could get.

This was one of our first family photos.  I love this photo.   Jacob was such an easy baby.  I think that must have spent hours just holding him and enjoying this little person.  Here is a link to the meaning of the name Jacob.  I like one meaning "May God Protect."  I think Jacob has needed this in his life.  He has had a lot of people pick on him since he was very young.
Doesn't he look so serious in this photo?  He is only 4 years old.  Jacob is one of those kids that thinks out side the box.  He loves to build with Lego's, when he was young he created large Thomas the tank engine track layouts.  He would spend hours in his room singing and building.  He has lots of artistic abilities.  He loves to draw comics and make flip note movies.

Here is a Lego train he built. He had a whole Lego town in his room at our house in New Jersey.  He hopes when we get a new house we will have a finished basement where he can set up some train tracks.
He loves Poke Mon monsters too.  He drew this picture two years ago.  He has a note pad that he carries around with him at school to draw.  I often wonder how this boy gets straight "A's" and fills up books with drawings each week too.  He also sings and plays the violin.  This past month he did a Klondike derby with his scout troop and they did karaoke and one of the boys there told my daughter he thought Jacob was so cool because he sang so well.  Jacob is having a hard time with being a teenager because his voice is changing and he can't hit the high note anymore.  Poor kid.
Here he is almost 14.  Future Architect, Artist, Archaeologist, or Animator...  The world holds such great possibilities for this young man.  I'm so proud of him.  We talk often of the times when he was picked on, and he says's it was good for him because it made him strong and proud to be different.  I always ask him if people are treating him kindly.  Right now they are.  It is one of the big blessings of moving here.  He has made some really good friends and feels like he fits in.   He is a great kid with such potential.  I hope I'm able to help him reach it. 
We did find another Jacob Bowlby in our family line.  One day I'm going to challenge Jacob to find out about this man and what he did. 
Our house is in attorney review.  I'm hopeful that by the end of March it will be sold.  I have to say that I'm very stressed by the whole sale.  It will be nice to not pay rent, mortgage, and bills for two places.  It will be nice to breath. I go often to the temple just to get away from the world and the stress.  There are so many good blessings to hear at the temple.  The people who work there are starting to recognize me.  One lady today was so nice to say she was glad to see me and hoped to see me again next week. 
Well I hope you enjoyed learning about my son and how he got his name. 

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