" It was the light flooding in from the windows on three sides. She realized, standing there, that natural light was important to her. In the light, she suddenly felt lighter herself, and she didn't feel boxed in."
The one really nice thing about my apartment is all the natural light that comes in all day long. We have big windows in the living room area, two big windows in the dining/kitchen, and then another big window in each bed room. I don't have to have any lights on all day long! I love that.
Here is another quote from the book: " ...The phone, email, and facebook. I have that, I know. But it isn't the same, you know? I don't have
I have to say that at first maybe I felt this way, but I do have some beginning friendships. My husbands been out here for four months and has made friends and they have welcomed me in. And I feel comfortable around them. They have children close to our age. I also found out today that I will be transferring to a Kohl's store out here. I'm so happy. Plus I get to work in customer service and that is one of my favorite places to work in the store. So I look forward
Today I started working on my family history again. It was a bit frustrating. One because there is no information on my laptop. Two because I have an external hard drive with information on it, but it took me over an hour to figure out how to open it on the laptop. Three because after opening it I could not make changes could only read the information. I did find someone on Ancestry.com looking for photo's I have copies of. So I was able to transfer them to my lap top and then send them one by one. It was nice to give a person some photo's of their ancestors. We both share a great great grandfather. It is so cool when you can find a connection like that. Computers have certainly changed the world.
Another book I've read that I've been meaning to share with you is "Left Neglected". This book is about a women who got into a car accident and ends up with TBI. Her brain no longer realizes that she has a left side or that there is a left side to anything. It is a very interesting book to read especially if you know someone who has had a similar injury. I hope that I don't end up working a lot of hours. I'd like to focus more on sharing things with you on this site, books, other blogs that I find interesting. I'm hoping the pace of life here is slow like everyone told me.
I do have to say the sprinklers are still attacking me in the morning. My daughter finds this to be very funny. Good night for now!
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