My thought today is that I need to read "Garden Spells" by Sarah Addison Allen. The garden is beginning to take form, and the ivy is beginning to come up here and there. I'm actually a little ahead of it.

I'm actually reading "The Peach Keeper" By Sarah Addison Allen. I like her books. This one I think has a murder mystery in it. I like the sense of magic she puts in her books. I'd like to think there is magic in this world. That we have special qualities that are unique to us. I guess that's why each time she publishes a book I run out and buy it, to read about the magic qualities that she describes so well.

Today I had hoped to work out in the garden, but ended up running errands, tomorrow I am Photographer for my mother in laws yearly fashion show, so no gardening. Then no time off until next Thursday. Ugh! I will just have to do stuff at night and in the early morning.
My husband seems to be doing well at his new job, I'm still in the mind set that we will move. I have been working hard to clean out my attic. I have to say I'm doing very well. I have 8 bags of garbage to bring down, and I have a bunch of stuff to give to one of my good friends. I'm also giving her my wedding dress so she can give it

to her brothers bride to be. I think it is great that the dress will be used again. The wedding is also going to take place at the same temple that My husband and I were married at. I love being able to help others out. Well I hope you have enjoyed the photo's of this beautiful purple flower. I have to figure out what it is. I know I planted it last fall, but have no clue what it is called. I'll be going to the library this afternoon, I'll have to pick up another flower book. Have a great week.
Moment of Joy:) Playing badminton with my daughter.
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