Well most of our family and friends know of my husbands soon to be journey. His mother has been very good about it and even believes that we will end up moving.

Others have not been as kind to my husband. They keep him on the swing of go, don't go. But you know it's really to late. He has made a commitment to this company to go. They let go their other employee. So he has to go. The one thing I know about my husband is he is a very loyal worker. If he gets out there and likes the job he will stay. He is just that way. He is looking for a job that pays every hour, one that gives him the weekends off, and one that is stable. I think he has found that. I just hope that he will find it to be challenging enough. Or that he will feel he is contributing. I'm thinking of getting a clock to put on his time. So that we feel a little more connected to him while he is gone. I think we also have a friend who is setting up Skype for us so that we can communicate and see each other. We both believe that if God wants us there he will get us there. Why am I blogging today, well because the thought of doing any type of movement makes my legs ache. Have a good weekend.
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