I stood waiting until the butterfly would open his wings and then I would snap the photo. This really made my day. I have some great butterfly photo's to add to my collection now. One thing you don't see in the photo's is the mass of bee's that were surrounding the flowers. They are loving my garden.
I have to say I love digital cameras. I can take as many photo's as I want and only print out the ones I really like. Saving me so much money that I don't have right now.
We had a really rough week last week. At the beginning of the week we lost a friend and church member to cancer. And then at the end of the week one of my husbands close friends took his life.

As I've pondered these two events I realize how very special life is. On the one hand I know our friend who passed from cancer had a great desire to continue his life, he would have cherished every day given to him. And then on the other the friend who took his life got to a point where he could not see the great gift that he had. Trying to explain it to my children has been hard. They are very upset at the friend who took his life. "That was very stupid of him " my daughter said. And while I agree, I have no good answer to give her. It will be hard getting used to this person not being in our lives as he called almost every day, and so each time the phone rings we (my husband and I) think we know the one person it isn't. In life we have opposites health, illness, richness, poverty, good, evil... the list goes on. We at some point we get to feel the pain of illness which allows us to truly be happy when we are well. Most people suffer times of poverty that allows us to realize how blessed we are when we have what we need. But With Life and Death you don't usually get to experience death so that you can realize how lucky you are to be alive. You can see other pass away, but there are not many people who die and come back. So I wonder if when we die if there is that moment where you realize wow my life as hard as it was, was such a huge gift. I wonder what that perspective will be. I'm hoping I have a long time before I find out though.
My husbands job is tough, and though he is learning and gaining experience the pay is really horrible. We have about 4 weeks to go before he either gets a sign on bonus or he is let go. If he gets the bonus we will be very happy and be able to do well, if he gets laid off well it wouldn't be the end of the world as he would be making more on unemployment than he does working. That is so very sad! This morning I was praying to God and I said we could really use a little extra this week. And just 5 minutes later my husbands old boss called and asked if he could work for him on his day off this week. He said he would pay him for the day. And it was as if my prayer was immediately answered. The amount I hoped for us to make was now there to be made. I'm thankful for that. I feel very blessed. I'm still learning to be better at our finances, but I know that in the end it will be OK.
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