These are photo's of the returned book cart. Due to TV turn off week, I have had a huge amount of books to put away this week. I sort the books by fiction, easy fiction and non-fiction. On a normal day on the front of the cart would be full, but this week both sides of the cart have been full. It takes me about an hour to put all the books back on the shelves. The children usually take out the same books, so it is actually very easy for me to put them away as I know the general area that each book belongs in. I have to say that I've been going home tired this week. I will miss putting books away next year. Usually this is the quietest time in the Library. There are no students in the library it is just me and the books. I often have time to look at some books and see if there are any I want to take home and read. I actually have a pile of children's books home right now. I'm hoping to put up my first book review this week. I don't want my reviews to the typical tell about the story and say I like it. I'd like to add how you could extend the reading into a project, or conversation with your child. So it is taking me awhile to actually get things put together. I hope to also do some adult books too, but it seems that I only have time to read picture books.
I had thought that I was over the fact that my job was over in June, then this morning I had a dream that I was crying about losing my job. I wonder am I repressing all these feelings?
This week at my church one of the people giving talks, talked about patients. I'm feeling that my job loss is a lesson in patients. I have always felt I was a patient person and wonder why I must learn to be more patient. I continually go back to feeling that I must only think of the day that I'm in, when I wonder too much about tomorrow then I get nervous. I'm not a backward thinker though, I rarely think about the past or even wish for the past. But I am a terrible wanting to know how it will all end type of person. What will my next job be? When will my husbands job end? Are we supposed to move? I want to know and yet unlike books that you can peek at the end to find out what happens, in life you have to wait. I feel as if I have been waiting a long, long time. Do any of you feel you have been waiting a long, long time for something?
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