Wednesday, August 14, 2024

July photos.

Well July flew by! These are baby American coots. Such 
Strange feet.

Look at Ty long legs on this bird.

We went to the zoo and saw the Utah wildlife exhibit.
I would not want to run into a cougar in the wild.

Does seeing a bird at the zoo count for a bird sighting year?

The bears were having a fight at the zoo. 

Baby pheasant.

Pretty butterfly.

Zoom in on a osprey.

Do you see it in this photo?

Up close of a turkey vulture.

Golden eagle with some lunch.

A beautiful cactus flower.

Is this a wild rabbit or a pet left behind?

I’ve seen the kingfisher twice now.

No going in the water, there are snakes in there!

A baby skunk.

I hope you have enjoyed my photos.


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