Friday, March 24, 2023

Walking into the New year with photo adventures (despite the record breaking snow), de-cluttering slowly happening, and goals being achieved!


Hello Friends,
How has two and a half months of this year already flown by?
I keep thinking that if I'm not careful I will find it is Christmas again.
Here is what I have been up to on my days off.
When I have a day off where it is not snowing, I have been going to different 
places in Utah.  This photo is at the Great Salt lake.  I 
thought the circle of ice was cool looking.

We also went to BYU and walked through some of their
museums.  It was cool to see this painting of  a snake going up the
stairs at the life science museum.

We have had a few birding days.
This is a kestrel.

This could be a Trumpeter Swan.

A common golden eye.

We have also been walking at Utah lake.

I like this lamp post.  It just makes for a fun photo.
I have finally captured the elusive mountain goat,
since it was in the life science museum it wasn't too hard.

We went on a new adventure at Willard Bay.
This is where Bald Eagles winter.

He's got a pretty impressive wing span.

When I can't go outside, or I'm just tired I have been watching
Tiny House Hunting.  So it was fun to see a tiny house
out by Willard bay.

I think this took someone a long time to make.

We saw about 10 Bald Eagles while walking.

At the Utah Lake State park we have
seen some other birds.
Above is a Cinnamon Teal.

An American Coot.

One week when we were there,
the ice was piled up next to the road. 
This has been the snowiest winter we have had
since moving out here.

The seagull is ice fishing, or at least he is
standing on the ice in the middle of the lake.

I have been trying to improve my photography by
trying to capture birds in flight.  It is
 not easy for me.

When I am stuck inside, Dynamite and I are learning yoga.
She does a great cat pose.  She also is sure to walk all around me
when I am trying to do yoga. 

I have also been doing lots of walking. 
I have to say I love my treadmill and my fitness program.
I have been walking in Scotland, Namibia, Canada, Bermuda. 
It's fun to see other places and get fit.

I have been cleaning out what I call my 
hoarder room, which was supposed to be
my at home office, which I am now making into
a spare bedroom.   I never go down and actually
use this room as an office.  So sometime soon there
will be a very pretty guest bedroom.
So you want to visit don't you?

I have challenged myself to color the coloring books
that I have bought.  Impulse purchases get me all the time.
I have realized from following people on Instagram that I am at the
kindergarten level of coloring in the adult coloring world.
It is a form of stress relief so I'm not too hard on myself that
I am not as creative as others.

This is the magical snowman who possibly could be the cause
of all the snow in Utah this year.  The snowman and my Christmas countdown gnomes
are the last winter decorations left in the house.  I refuse to put the
snowman away until all the snow is gone.  My mom gave him to me years ago, and I just love him.

To keep motivated with exercise I join 
virtual walking competitions.
These are my 2023 awards so far.  I am
doing so much better than last year.

I really want to get my house clutter free this year.  
It is going to happen.  I have really cleaned out a lot.

I'm trying new healthy foods every week.
This is a fish dish we had at one of my manager meetings. 
Working at a grocery store has it's perks. 
Trying all the great food made by the  store is one of them.

I really like this picture. 
I hope you are all doing well and enjoying this
crazy fast paced world.
I feel very blessed and thankful
for the adventures I have had so far this year. 
Hopefully I will have time to share more photos as spring arrives.
Had to add just a few more photos,
at the Lindon Marina you can rent a tiny home.
This was so fun to walk through.

It's got a nice kitchen with a stove top and
Microwave, a good sized sink.

There is a TV that comes down from the ceiling.
A pocket door separates the kitchen from 
the bathroom.

The stairs lead up to a loft bedroom.

The bathroom is nice, the toilet is working,
not a composting toilet. Thank goodness.

Tiny homes are so cute.  But from watching
all the TV shows, I know I am glad for 
my just the right size house.  
Ok that is all.

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