This is the house I thought I'd live in forever. I never imagined that my husband and I would pack up our lives and move....Let alone move across the country. But life has a funny way of sending you to places you never expected to be. In 2010 my husband and jumped on to the roller coaster of losing your job at the same time. We both actually got new job's pretty fast, but my husbands new job was not what was promised or expected. As we struggled and prayed we each felt at some point things would turn around. One Sunday while driving home I prayed about what the outcome of our trials would be. I instantly felt reassured that things would work out, and also felt that the end result would be that we were going to move. I went home and told my husband the answer to my prayer and he quickly told me that there was no way we were going to move. I think he even told me to bite my tongue... Looking back I wish I had just started packing things. I often say "When God tells you that you are going to move start packing!"

From October to March we struggled. I kept telling my husband to look for new jobs as I knew the job he had was not good for him. He kept struggling, and still through it all I felt we would move. I told people that I knew we were going to move. They all laughed at me, told me that was crazy and gave me lists of why we definitely were not going to move. Now in my move idea I was not moving across the country...I was moving north... closer to Vermont. I had my own move ideas, and God had his, and to bring it all about God had a lot of work to do. I think my poor husband got the brunt of God's work, he was humbled, and beaten down....So that when the move was to be presented he would be willing to go.
I think this Tuesday was what reminded me of all these events. There we were.. my husband and I together at a concert in March. Four years ago at a concert in March we decided to move...

The Yearly call from a friend across the country came asking my husband to apply to work at his Sisters company. All the other years we had said "No Thanks." But this year seeing how beat up my husband was I said "why don't you go out and see what the job is." I just wanted him to look at other options. So he went, and when he got home he really wanted that job. I hadn't really expected him to want the job, but he really, really wanted that job. He expected a job offer, and when it didn't come fast he was very upset. When it came, he really wanted to go. I told him I did not want to move. I thought he should say no. And He said no, he rejected the job offer. I thought that was that and life would go on. I kept feeling though that the decision we made was wrong, and that I should let my husband try this new job. He kept telling me of his dreams of a little house for us, and a good job for him. A second offer for the job came, and I still said I did not want to move. No one wanted us to move...His family was very against the move... there we were at a concert and I knew we were supposed to move. That night I told him you need to take the job. I put my trust in God and never looked back. He left right before Easter four years ago. I was left to clean, pack, supervise the fixing of the house and putting the house up for sale, plus convincing two very upset children that this would be the adventure of a life time. ( all the while really not wanting to move myself.)

Those three months were stressful, lonely, and hard. I knew that I had made the right choice, but it was so hard to pack up memories, and dreams I had for the future. I think many of my husbands friends think the move was my idea. The person who really wanted to move was my husband. The person at first who really needed the move was my husband. He needed a job that was challenging, a job where he was respected, and paid fairly, where he felt he was providing for his family. Although my children didn't see it, they needed the move too. They cried so much, and were so upset by it, but now they would be upset if we ever decided to go back.

Often as I do family history work, I wonder, why did they move? That's why I've written this. So if someone years from now wonders...Why did they move??? They will know. We moved because my husband wanted a chance to have a good job...He wanted a chance to have a house with a garage...He wanted to try this job, and I couldn't have been so selfish to say no....
We lived for 8 months in a tiny two bedroom apartment, waiting for the house to sell...There were many people who said...Your house won't sell...I trusted God...It sold and we actually made money....
Although I could have stayed in that little apartment, as the thought of packing twice in such a short time was not something that I wanted to do, I went out and found us a new house. Packed our world up again...Moved us to a small house with a garage for my husbands classic car.... I wanted to stay in the area where we had first moved, but God still knew better than me. It took me a year to see that. I love my new home.

My Husbands parents came to visit, My family has visited. While we miss family and friends very much. We still know the move was supposed to happen. Sitting across from my son right now I ask.."Are you happy here?" He replies "What kind of question is that...I'm so happy here." The other night my husband said "I really love my job." and my daughter she said " I love it here...I wouldn't have been able to do Karate in New Jersey." I really like it here too...I love my crazy job, I love my little house, I love the view outside the window. I'm glad we moved. It was one of the hardest decisions for us to make, but I'm glad we did it. Now I just need to figure out how to get us back to the East Coast this Summer so we can visit all our family and friends.
So Universe...PLEASE SEND ME SOME PLANE TICKETS...(we had 4 tickets to the east coast, and then unfortunately we had to use them as my father in law got sick....and I'm glad my husband was able to go out and see him...and then my father in law passed away....all the tickets are gone....So...I'm hoping some how....we will still get to visit this summer....I've come to the conclusion a little debt to see family is better than staying home.... But if the Universe,God, would be so kind...4 tickets to the east coast would be nice...
Happy Thursday....