for people to come is just more time to give than is worth the possible money I might make. The thought of sitting around watching people pick through things I don't want just sound so boring. So as I went through my stuff, I gave to good will, I donated to a yard sale to help struggling women, and I picked out items that I thought my friends would like and I gave them to them. Free of charge! I gave my wedding dress to one of my best friends whose brother is getting married and needed a dress for his bride to be. Tomorrow I give the last bit of things to one of my other friends who has three young children.

They have been struggling and I have all these stuffed animals, and toys that will be just perfect for the kids. It will be like Christmas for them. I'm glad I chose to do this. Could I have made some money? Perhaps, but giving to others who really have a need brings me so much joy.
Today I read an article " I had a yard sale and made nothing." And I thought I'm so glad I didn't waste my time. My attic is almost finished being cleaned out. There are some jeans up there that I'm donating to a drive at the local grocery store which I think supports our troops and then the rest of the stuff up there needs to be labeled and brought across the country. I need to start figuring out the best way to get all 
my belongings out west. If anyone has tips for moving cross country I'd love advice! Also did you have a yard sale and was it a success or a waste of time?

my belongings out west. If anyone has tips for moving cross country I'd love advice! Also did you have a yard sale and was it a success or a waste of time?