Monday, December 16, 2024

I’m a collector of quotes.

When I see a quote that makes sense to me,
I take a screenshot of it.

As I clean through my photos and remove them from my phone, I now have all these quotes.

So I’m sharing them with you,
And deleting them from my phone.

Do you collect quotes?

I do try to do this. Be kind to others.
Try to be a bright light to others.
Hope you like these quotes.


Do you count down to Christmas?

Do you have anything that you use to count down to Christmas?

I have one at work and at home.

I have had fun moving it to different locations and taking a photo.

With Christmas almost here,
It feels like the year flew by.

Tomorrow I will get the last of the Christmas gifts,
Then I can start wrapping everything.
I have a few more Christmas cards to send but I’m waiting 
For the extra cards to arrive.
Work has been very busy.



Friday, December 13, 2024

Start your day with positive thoughts.

When you get up in the morning do 
You start your day thinking about positive things?
I am going to start doing this, perhaps 
It will help me get into the Christmas spirit.
Here are some favorite photos that I have kept on my 

I still have lots of photos to delete.

Looking at photos of animals is supposed to be relaxing.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

I looked my fears in the eye.

I have a fear of snakes. I don’t have a lot of 
Photos of snakes because when I see them 
I run away.
This snake was in the water near a bridge I was on.
So I could look at it without the fear that it would get near me.
Although in reality snakes probably don’t want to be near 

This cougar photo was taken at the zoo.
They are big animals.
I would not like to see one in the wild.
Do you have an animal that frightens you?


Self care during the holidays.

Do you practice self care? 
I try to have time to relax each day.
With the holiday season I try to do something 
Relaxing each night before bed.
I am reading a holiday romance book.
Last night I watched a Christmas music show.
This holiday season feels like it is 
Racing by.
I look forward to Christmas Day.
I want to snuggle up in a cozy blanket and do nothing.
How do you care for yourself around the holidays?


Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Does working the holidays leave you Quanked?

 This is a word I came across on Pinterest. Perhaps I saved it because that was how I was feeling.

When I get home from a busy holiday work day I definitely feel Quanked.  And all I want to do is rest and read a good book.

What about you?


Monday, December 9, 2024

I’m ok with not being perfect.

 I collect on my phone quotes, strange words,

Words of advice.  This one was about the effects of trying to be perfect.  I don’t try to be perfect.  I am ok with not having things looking perfect.  

My husband is always trying for perfection. This causes him stress, and most times disappointments. 

I realize that we will not always do things perfectly.

I try to tell my associates about mistakes I make so they will feel ok if they make a mistake.

Do you strive for perfection or are you perfectly imperfect?


Cleaning my photos out of my phone.


I’m moving my photos from my cell phone to 
My computer.
I want to start 2025 with a
Only a few photos on my phone.

Of the 1000 plus photos on my phone,
700 are of the cat. 

I have photos of nature.
These photos are favorites because they have a feel to them.

I like photos with textures and a feeling of the season.

The water was so calm you get a pretty reflection.
Now I can delete these from my phone.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Christmas is coming and I’m thinking of you.

It’s the Christmas season and I’m thinking of you 
Mom Bowlby.
I have been getting Christmas presents and cards put together 
And this year I have one less to send.
I so enjoyed putting special Christmas gifts together for you.
You made Christmas so special when my children were young. I loved spending Christmas Day at your house.
I miss those years so much.
The message of a Savior of the World is 
So needed this year. 
The message of eternal life with family is a great 
Hope for me. 
I will keep your memory in my heart.


Friday, December 6, 2024

The Holidays Are here, do you take time to care for yourself?


The holidays are here and it causes a lot of stress and anxiety.
I work in retail and get lots of cranky customers this time of year.
As people try to make the holidays special for their families 
They tend to take their frustrations out on everyone else.

This was my stress level the morning of cyber Monday.

This was after a day of work, where customers continued to 

Not understand cyber Monday sales, being online only and not in the store.  Also they didn’t read what they were purchasing and kept coming in the store after purchasing their cyber Monday products thinking they would be immediately available in the store.  I’m not sure what went wrong this year, we have never had so many issues. 

I like this social battery pin.  Most of the time my battery is pretty charged. But the holidays can stress me out.

I save little articles about self care on my phone.
This one reminds you to take at least 5 minutes to yourself.
When you are feeling stressed, stop and take a break from your daily routine.
I’m trying to declutter my phone. 
So I will be sharing my little articles
With you. Then I can delete them.

I took this photo at the beach on our trip.
A reminder of my focus of the year. 
How could this year go so fast.
How did you take care of yourself during the holidays?

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

My favorite kind of Christmas tree.

My favorite Christmas tree is one that is decorated with red and white ornaments. The store has two decorated this way.  I just think it’s beautiful.

My husband wants a live tree for Christmas.  I would much rather a fake tree. 

Our tree will be a mess of crazy ornaments.  

I visited a friend’s house last week and they are a professional decorator.  It was like being in a hallmark Christmas movie.  

I can admire someone who is so talented, and not be jealous.

My house is decorated for Christmas but it’s not to the hallmark movie standard.  It’s cozy, and I’m ok with that.

Some people have decorative talent and some don’t.  I fall in the category of not having talent.

Do you decorate your whole house for Christmas?
